Cyclodextrin cosmetic raw material supplier

At present, the most commonly used method to enhance cosmetic transdermal absorption ability is to add osmotic promoter (such as unsaturated fatty acid, unsaturated fatty alcohol, etc.), change the order of the lipid in the cuticle, so that the intercellular permeability increases, so as to promote the probability that cosmetics pass through the cuticle.

As a new kind of cosmetic material, cyclodextrin can not only act on the surface of cuticle, but also participate in the reaction instead of osmotic promoter. As a transmission medium, the advantage of using cyclodextrin is that the active substance in the cyclodextrin cavity can maintain the original shape, size and characteristics, and the active substance in the cavity can effectively prevent the oxidation, photodecomposition and thermal decomposition of the active factor, so that it can resist environmental conditions for a longer time and improve its stability. In recent years, cyclodextrin, as a cosmetic formula, has been widely used in skin cream, lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, perfume and other products to improve the efficacy of cosmetics in whitening, anti-aging, moisturizing, acne removal, sterilization and other aspects.

In China, cyclodextrin, methyl cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl cyclodextrin have all entered the catalogue of cosmetic raw materials. In addition, our company also produces a variety of cyclodextrin product inclusion complexes, such as azelaic acid cyclodextrin, salicylic acid cyclodextrin, paeonol cyclodextrin, etc.Feel free to call us at 0086 543-2616568.